a little update

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June 15, 2021

Hey, what’s up? Days runs by quickly here in our baby bubble. Lily is growing up fast, already over 5 weeks old! We have been searching and searching for a home to buy before we have to move out from here. The weather has been a little colder which allows us to be outside for a little bit every day. We’ve watched some netflix tv-shows. And we’ve been mesmerized by Lily’s cute smiles and attempts of laughing:)

Lily had her one month checkup with the pediatrician on Friday. We were told that everything looks great. She is as of last week cluster feeding which is tough for mamma but she is growing well and that’s all that matters:) So she has gained a pound and she’s about an inch taller which is very good for two weeks.
She has a few birthmarks that we are keeping an eye on but nothing to worry about… or that’s what we were told in the morning during our appointment. The pediatrician then called in the afternoon and said that Lily needs an ultrasound and then need to see a specialist in NYC. She still said that there’s probably nothing to worry about but they want to be sure. Of course this hurts my mamma heart, but I’m trying to not freak out about it or even worry since we don’t know anything yet. I’m sure she’s fine. Hopefully there won’t be any more marks popping up. She has three that I’ve been a little worried about but I’ve been told multiple times that they will probably go away with age and I hope that’s true.

Thor seems a tiny bit depressed which hurts my pommy mommy heart, but we can’t do much other than try to snuggle and play with him whenever we have some time and let him know that he still means a lot to us and that he’s part of this family too. 

I still haven’t done any yoga or dancing since she was born which is a bit sad. I’ve had a few opportunities now but I don’t know about them until it’s too late. Like yesterday for example. She was napping for four hours which is very rare, usually it’s for maybe 10 minutes if even that (that’s why we let her nap for that long). So I never know when I can start a bigger project. Yes, doing yoga is now considered a big project haha, and so is washing my hair:) So instead I try to do things that is easy to leave in the middle of. Yesterday I did laundry (like every day these days), dealt with the enormous mess in the walk-in-closet where we have a lot of the gifts we’ve received, and prepared everything to be able to cook us dinner once she had woken up and been fed. But during 4 hours I could easily have done yoga, done some stuff on the computer and start packing things upstairs into boxes. Oh well.

What else is going on? I’m in a “I want to throw away/donate everything” mood right now but as I’ve been walking around the apartment I can’t seem to find anything to get rid of which annoys me cause I don’t like the amount of stuff we have. Plus I don’t feel like bringing a lot of boxes when we move. 

I think from now on, whenever she is napping, even if it ends up only being for 10 minutes, I’m gonna take the opportunity to move my body, cause I really need it and then during other leftover moments I will pack the apartment:)

It was raining for a few days and I didn’t feel like taking the stroller out to get wet, plus it was really hot outside, so I put Lily in a wrap, grabbed my mask and went for a 6 minute walk on the covered parking lot of our building and then a 15 minute walk up and down the hallway of the apartment floor.
Not much activity haha but at least something:)
 Just look at this cutie, she melts my
Very few people in Stamford are wearing masks these days. Connecticut has a very high rate of vaccinated people so you are now allowed to walk around, eat at restaurants, enjoy sport etc. without wearing a mask. I keep mine on still since I have a newborn and I haven’t got my second shot yet
The summer art in our city this year seems to be painted pianos, we saw a few of them on our walk to downtown one evening

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