April 5, 2021
Hope you had a nice Easter weekend! I feel like we didn’t do anything these three days, but we definitely did. We have actually been pretty busy
Since Jim was off work on Friday we could sleep in for a little bit (meaning; get up at 8 haha). He went to buy coffees and once we were done with breakfast we emptied the last bit of our four bookcases, moved them all to the living room where I wiped them off a bit.
The view I wake up to in the morning
At 1 pm, J and T dropped me off at the hospital for my ultrasound. If you wonder why I have so many it’s because of my partial molar history, they want to make sure there’s no weird growth and stuff (other women only have two ultrasounds throughout their entire pregnancy – at week 13 and week 20). So far so good. It was a man that I have never met before. He moved my chair so flat I could barely see the screen, and he talked and talked, I know his whole life story now, felt like I was there for three hours hahah.
At this point it is very hard to see baby on the screen though. He had to pull on my stomach to even reach babys head that is so far down in my crotch now, but he got some measurements at least. Then he moved around on the belly and I have no idea what we were looking at. He turned the 3D on and all I could see on the screen was an upside down heart, like one that you draw (not a human heart). It took me a good minute to realize that I was looking at my babys face and a hand that was covering half of it, that “heart” was babys nose. And a nose is basically the only thing you can see on the baby. These 3D pictures are so creepy and kinda makes me scared that the baby will come out looking that ugly. Neither of us have that ginormous nose, that doesn’t really look like our child. But we’ll see I guess. Baby is within the 50th percentile so that sounds great. The pounds seems a bit heavier than he/she “should” be but like I said, it’s hard to measure anything at 36 weeks when the head is so far down and the body is hiding behind an anterior placenta.
Once we were back home we only got to sit down to have the last pieces of cake and then we had to get up again. The people that bought our bookcase a week ago were coming to buy and pick up the last four bookcases. Our apartment looks so different now. And the whole upstairs is just a mess with boxes and crap. In the evening I cooked us dinner (meaning; heated some dal and cut pieces of bread hahahhah) and we watched some robot movie.
On Saturday we started our morning the same way we always do, with coffees on the couch listening to music. Around 11, J and I drove to Target to return an item that had arrived damaged and then we ran around the store and picked up some last minute things for the baby. It was probably the fasted shopping anyone has ever done at Target in the history haha.
Back home, J tested all the baby gadgets and I did laundry and organized things in the bedroom. Then we went upstairs to tackle the storage room. We have so many empty boxes that has just been taking up space over the years but we need them now when we pack the things that came in those boxes. I feel like we did a lot but you can see no change upstairs haha. Then I filled out the beginning of the baby book that is coming with us to the hospital, made tacos and then we watched the TV show Mindhunter and college basketball.
Bumpie has really dropped now!
I’ve been told that people don’t know that I am pregnant
until I turn around and they see the belly which goes straight out
Sunday started with coffee of course. And then we drove north to Sherwood Island park. Was a bit cold and cloudy when we got there but once the sun came out it was lovely. We came home and J went to grill lambchops. Then we went to the terrace and sat in the sun for an hour. Both our faces were pink after that. Such a lovely day!
Then we moved stuff around in the “nursery” to be able to plug in the baby gadgets behind the dressers. We also put up a picture frame on the wall which might seem silly since everything else in the apartment is going into boxes, but I want it to look cute for the time we are still living here. I will only have this baby once and I want at least the “nursery” to look good.
In the evening we watched the tv show and then the White Sox game. Pretty simple day. I had tons of stuff on my todo for the weekend but my body is getting tired quicker these days. Or not tired really, it’s more like it gives up, protests and doesn’t want to do stuff even if I have energy for it. It’s frustrating but I also listen to my body.
This morning I have done two loads of laundry…or…no.. I have done one load of laundry twice. This stupid washer is driving me nuts. I often have to wash everything two-three times before everything is wet, and I don’t even do full loads these days since I know it wont work. Very annoying. And I have five more loads to do today which will turn into at least 10 (with a functioning washer it would be three loads in total). I can’t wait to move and then I hopefully will never have to deal with cheap GE appliances again (all of the appliances in this apartment has issues and they are all GE). The weather is amazing so I will definitely try to enjoy it as much as I can today as well.
Have a wonderful week!