Our ending of the old & beginning of the New Year

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January 4, 2021

Hello 2021! It feels so nice to welcome you and leave 2020 behind. 

Hope you all had a wonderful start of this new year! Did you do anything special to celebrate the ending of last year? 

On Tuesday the 29th I practiced some asana and then did a meditation during the sunset. The full moon was lighting up our apartment and I decided to pull a few tarot cards like I always do on full moon nights or when about to enter a new month. For the first one I asked about 2021 and I got “Blossoming” which sounds pretty nice to me considering I’m carrying a child that is due this spring:) 

On New Years Eve I was so tired I could barely sit up cause I had been sleeping poorly that night. So I got basically nothing done and then took a nap in the afternoon (oh pregnant life haha). J was working til 4. For dinner that night we decided to order food from Luckys. I popped a bottle of sparkling apple cider. I’m not a big fan of that and not much for regular sodas either, they are too sweet (says the person who can eat a whole bowl of candy in one go), but that was the most exciting non alcoholic drink I could come up with for the night. 
We watched “Dinner for One” like always through youtube. It’s on Swedish national TV every New Years and I just love it, it’s too funny! 
We pretty much sat on the couch all night watching the Time Square celebration thing. Then 10, 9, 8….2, 1 – Happy New Year! We stayed up for a couple of hours after that and slept in for a bit the next day.

I started the first day with a shower imagining washing off the past year to welcome the new one. We had breakfast and I facetimed with my mom. Normally, to me, January 1st means to do absolute nothing all day, just watch movies and eat crap. But I was so motivated to start this new year that I didn’t rest much. We went to a store to return something and then went to the grocery store to buy several bags of chips cause I guess we couldn’t really decide what we wanted haha. And when we came home I took down Christmas. Ya, that’s right, I took it down, it was up for a month and that’s enough. I left the garland and the lights on the stairs though since I kinda just put that up and it’s nice light these dark days. Thought J would help me take down the tree but once he was done with playing games on his pc I had taken everything down by myself (ain’t nobody got time to waste).
In the evening we did watch a movie and eat chips. We watched the Disney Pixar “Soul“, it was really good. I’m a big fan of the “Inside Out” movie cause I think that’s an awesome movie for kids and this Soul movie was of the same quality. 

Saturday and Sunday had a good mix of me being really productive at home, building a house on sims and watching movies. It’s called balance, hahah. 

Did not sleep that well last night cause J snored louder than a monster truck, the neighbors were screaming bad words to each other while slamming doors and the mystery ghost train outside was honking non stop. Every time it finally got quiet for a few minutes the baby started practicing gymnastic routines on my bladder and I also got really hungry. But oh well. Dragged myself up at 7am, took a shower and had a pretty productive day. I love this motivated feeling, I hope it sticks:)

I went for a cold but lovely walk around the “cute street” on the 29th Once I came back home I had calm morning with a kicking baby
(she/he kicked non-stop for 24 hours during full moon) Thor got a haircut on the 30th. Just a trim. He was soft like silk.
He seems to have got some of his black color back which is great!
Cheers! At least I tried to make it look nice:)
If you haven’t seen this, then youtube itJanuary 2nd, bumpie is getting really big now

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