please, no xmas talk yet

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November 5, 2020

People outside of America are all talking about Christmas already😳 Excuse me, but that’s insane. You’re welcome to talk about gingerbread, decorations and wrapping gifts in December, but hey, November just started, take a chill pill😎

The past week or so, everywhere I look people are talking about Christmas. If I watch some youtuber from  lets say the UK or Canada they are talking about Christmas decorations and gift shopping, and if I happen to open facebook for only a few minutes everyone I know in Sweden mention something about Christmas. This morning I spent maybe less than two minutes on FB and I saw like twelve posts with and without pictures of how friends of mine has started to decorate their homes, they are baking gingerbread houses, their kids are writing lists to Santa and someone was talking about how he likes glogg (Swedish mulled wine). IT. IS. ONLY. NOVEMBER! Here in America we just had Halloween and now we are slowly getting ready for Thanksgiving. Once that’s all over we can start thinking about Christmas. 
When I was a kid, my parents didn’t put up the tree or decorations until like the day before Christmas Eve. I think that is a bit late since you take down the tree like a week possibly two weeks later, I am fine having it up for most of December. But these day the stores starts to prepare you for Christmas already in September, and Halloween stuff is up already in July (and gone by the time xmas stuff is out which is weird). That is crazy. 

Nope, no Christmas talk until December 1 or later, ok people, you hear me. Lets enjoy the fall first!

We had over 20°c two weekends ago and then the temperature dropped drastically down to 0°c and we even had snow! (only for 10 minutes though but still). We’ve been icicles all week but now the temperatures up by the 20s again. I’m gonna enjoy the heck out of this weekend and ignore all the Christmas talk. 

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