We built a Fort

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October 18, 2020

Two 34 year old’s and a puppy built a fort in the living room and watched The Addams Family while eating marshmallows last night. 

The weather yesterday was lovely, the temperature read pretty cold but in the sun it was really nice. After our morning coffee, we drove to a strip mall to look in a few stores. I found a long sweater, a jeans dress and winter shoes. I haven’t owned shoes for winter in over 8-9 years, I just walk in sneakers all year or possibly use my rainboots when it’s too wet outside. 
After getting some food in our tummies at home, we took Thor for a walk around downtown. He loves to be surrounded by people so the walk was mostly for him:) In the evening we brought Thor up to the rooftop to enjoy the sunset. Only one person up there a bit away from us, we could enjoy the warm sun, each others company and listen to the sound of crickets.
Once the sun went down we walked back to our apartment and I built a fort because yes, I am like a big kid 😀 I set everything up and asked my boys to come join me. After the movie our old bodies was tired of sitting on the floor hahaha, so I took the fort down and we sat like normal people on the couch watching some old Family Guy episode before I was so tired I could barely sit up. 

The weather is really nice today so I think we have to go on a few walks with Mr Fluff. I want to go through things in the apartment today as well, IF we EVER gonna leave this place (who knows at this point really) then we don’t want to bring most of our stuff so better start to get rid of things now. Noone needs this much stuff anyway:)

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