ruff year for Mr Fluff

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October 5, 2020

Good Morning! I woke up at 4am today and could not fall back to sleep. I listened to maybe 5 different sleep meditations and it did not work. Finally at 7am I fell asleep only to wake up 20 minutes later. My plan was to get up around 6 today but I knew I would be too tired if I actually got out of bed then. Oh well. Maybe I can take a nap later:)

This weekend didn’t turn out the way we had planned but still ended up being a really nice weekend. On Thursday we noticed that Thor didn’t want to eat all day. He doesn’t really like the new food (for his bladder stones) so sometimes it takes him awhile to start eating, but on Thursday he was acting a little strange and didn’t want to eat at all. In the late afternoon after we came inside from a potty break, he threw up on the rug by the couch. Quite large and there was what looked like blood in it but we weren’t sure. This seemed to have helped him though, he ate all his food right away and drank lots of water. T seemed fine now so I wasn’t too worried. But then in the morning when J took him out he had blood in his poop, so J called the vet and we got an appointment an hour later.
We were still not allowed to come inside because of corona rules, so they just grabbed Thor and kept him in there for quite some time. They found a tiny bone (?!) in his stomach that could have caused the blood (no idea what that could be, we haven’t seen him pick anything up outside) but they didn’t seem too worried. He got a shot through his back into his stomach and gave us medication. But, the x-rays showed that his bladder stones looked slightly bigger. We had to collect a urine sample later that day and bring it in and the result showed that his pH was 6. Back in March it was at 8 and meant that we could try new diet and see if it would go away by itself, but now it was a 6 which means that he might need that surgery after all. We don’t want it to turn into an emergency operation so I think we should just go ahead and schedule him in. 
Thor is like his normal self again. He is eating, drinking and has lots of energy, so that’s all good. But ya, the stones is an issue. 

On Saturday we had invited our friends to go to a pumpkin/apple farm but since Thor was feeling so crappy before, we canceled. So we had a slow morning at home. Around noon J and I went to the rooftop. Our building decided to host an Oktoberfest for everyone. We had to sign up for a time slot (so that there wouldn’t be too much people at the same time), wear masks and practice social distance. They had beer, snacks and hotdogs. I ate two of the vegan hotdogs and they were so good! We sat up there for awhile, the sun was really nice and warm. 

In the afternoon we took Thor for a walk over to the Orthodox church a block away where they host a Greek Festival every year. No rides or games outside or activities inside this year, only the food, but that’s the only reason why we come anyway:) I got a falafel, J got gyro and then we ordered loukoumades fresh out of the fryer. The food was not that great this year, my falafel was missing the tzatziki and hummus and J’s gyro was drenched in sliced tomato which he doesn’t like. Oh well. After that we watched the new Mulan movie.

On Sunday we were all tired so we ended up sleeping in til 10 am!! Because it was Cinnamon Bun Day I told Jim to go pick up coffee and a coffee roll at Donut Delight. Their coffee cake is the closest thing to a cinnamon bun around here, unless I bake it myself. While still sipping my coffee, my sister called on facetime. Soon I noticed it was already 1pm and I had promised to call my mom on facetime before it was too late. So from one call to another. We only talked for twenty minutes and then J and I went for a walked around downtown with Thor. We dropped him off at home and went out again to go eat the Mexican place. We sat outside at first but the wind got too cold so we moved inside to a table away from the rest of the restaurant. I absolutely love their guacamole and salsa so I always order extra:) 
Back home it was time for football. I spent my evening upstairs on my computer planning out this week.

Hope y’all had an amazing weekend!

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