one of my superpowers

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October 20, 2020

Waking up to find out your husbands boss (which is also a friend) is coming to visit soon and your home looks so messy and is not in condition of having guests….puh, that stressed me out a bit. I knew J was going to see him this morning but they had been talking about going for a walk with Thor and grab a coffee on the go, but it is now raining so, as I was about to take my first spoon of oatmeal he told me that we will have a visitor in 20 minutes(!!) I usually don’t care if my home is a little dusty or some things lying around here and there, this is a well used home so that’s expected, I expect the same in other peoples homes, but now, it wasn’t exactly the cleanest plus all the other mess which just didn’t make our home presentable, it wouldn’t matter if it was my sister or the king coming to visit, our home needed a touch-up.
One of my superhero skills is fast cleaning and I can make the home look fake clean real fast haha. I scrubbed the toilet and the sink, did a super quick vacuuming, cleaned up bits here and there on both floors, made the kitchen look nice AND took a shower and got myself ready, went upstairs and ate my (cold) oatmeal. All in less than twenty minutes. Our home looked really neat and clean after that, like magic. During my superhero moments I bitch and moan about it the whole time but then once I’m done, I’m really proud of myself 😀

I’m hanging out mostly upstairs now letting the men having a work meeting with Thor on the couch. Also because you know, corona, it is stupid to sit and breathe next to him plus I have nothing to do with their job haha. Good for them to see each other in person I think, they have been working sitting next to each other for 11 years but now been working from home since March and who knows if they ever go back to an office again (more and more companies have realized that people can stay home and get the job done from there). 

And speaking of nothing… What should Thor be for Halloween this year? I have no good ideas this year. Our building has a competition for the dogs and T is too cute not to win:) Any suggestions? 

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