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October 1, 2020

It is already October!! This year, oh my, it is so strange, feels like it was March a second ago. Every year I hate to admit to myself that I love the fall season. And it’s all thanks to that I moved to NYC because I used to not enjoy this season at all. It is just so pretty out here. Connecticut and New York are beautiful during the fall with all the trees changing color. The best of all is that it stays warmer for a longer time here. This year it has gotten cold earlier but that can change again. In my country they started to wear jackets and possibly hats and gloves depending on where they live probably over a month ago, and I wouldn’t be surprises if they have snow within the next month. This is hopefully our last cold fall/winter (I seem to say that every year but now I really believe it is) and I am actually kinda looking forward to it. Not the cold and the snow of course, but the change in seasons. When we move south we wont have that (can’t wait!!).  And I look forward to wearing all my different sweaters, snuggle up under blankets watching scary movies, light some candles and enjoy many cups of tea. 

Time really does fly by quickly though, especially a year like this. Everything is just weird this year. It started to look a little better this summer it seemed like but now, countries are talking about another lock down because people are idiots and can’t follow rules (just look at the Swedish people, they are all out traveling in Europe or having big school parties, how dumb can you be, why can’t they wait one year?)

And what have we done since my last update. Same same, nothing nothing. There isn’t exactly a lot of safe things to do during a pandemic. But I have some wishes for this month:
* I would like to spend a day on Manhattan before a possible lock down – which scares me a little but NYC is so nice in October
* I found a few pumpkin patches/apple picking farms less than an hour from here and I want to invite our friends to come meet us there, it seems like a safer activity to enjoy together
* Of course I would like to go hiking in different parks before it gets too cold
* It would be nice to go on that mini road trip that we canceled twice but I don’t think we end up doing that
What other outdoor activities can you do during fall? 

Random pics from the past two weeks:

We went for a walk downtown to look at this years summer art in the city,
they had already taken some down though
I’ve done some restorative yogaOur dishwasher broke so we went out to eat 🙂

This is such a cute video ♥
I went for a walk on the “cute street”. Whenever I get to that street I put my headphones away so that I can enjoy the sounds of nature and pay more attention to wildlife (lots of deer, chipmunks and squirrels there)

Thor got a haircut on Sept 25. His coat has lost the black color over the past few months so she didn’t cut too much and she wants him to go back in a month to get a hair treatment. He might have lost his color forever, but we are trying our best to get it back (could be caused by his diet for bladder stones which might have less nutrition, or it could be from that the groomer we tried in February (and will never ever use again) misunderstood us and shaved him – poms are not supposed to get those short haircuts! We have gone to the beach – Cove Island
My sister often calls me up for facetime. Here my niece Mila and I are dancing together haha
If you’ve been a tourist in NYC you might know about the store Century21. This store, like so many other companies, recently went bankrupt. So J and I decided last weekend to go check it out (there’s a store in Yonkers, NY). We came when they opened and to our surprise there was an hour long line to get in!! Crazy like we are, we waited. Social distance was practiced and everyone was wearing a mask. And what did we buy? I got the three items above plus a blouse, J got underwear. Hahaha, such waste of time, but now we got to say goodbye to that store:)
Yesterday, Thor and I went for a long walk in Scalzi Park by us.
Wind was colder but the sun was really nice. 
Fall is definitely approaching.

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