brain exhaustion..

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June 8, 2020

How are you doing? Like for real, How are you doing today?
I’ve been feeling a little emotionally exhausted myself this weekend. Crisis upon crisis upon crisis. It’s just never ending. And in a way I don’t feel like I’m allowed to share anything online that doesn’t have anything to do with everything going on. It feels like I have the whole world on top of my shoulders and I have to have opinions on everything and it has to be the right opinions, whatever they are. On one hand I want to just shut down and ignore and live in my own little bubble, but then on the other hand I remind myself that I’m part of this crazy world, I too was born to live on this planet and I too have to be involved to make this a better place to be for all of us.
Do you know what I mean? Do you feel like that as well?

I don’t know about you but I’d like this damn pandemic to be over soon. We’ve been quarantined for a few months which I’m sure is hard for everyone, and now we have to deal with protesters that doesn’t keep their social distances and it wouldn’t surprise me if there will be another wave of virus going around after all this. And then I listen to the Swedish press conferences and it makes me angry. They talk like if the problem is  going to be over now when summer arrives and all they ever seem to care about is time. “When can we see our friends and family“? “When can we celebrate graduation“? “Will we be able to celebrate Midsummer“? “When can we travel again“? Time time time, like if they know. They have no control over this, it’s the virus that decides. Stop asking about when, just stay home and when can be sooner. People going to cafe’s and restaurants and taking their kids to playgrounds are basically telling the nurses and doctors to go F themselves,…until they need their help. 

Ok, I’m entering a negative space now and I don’t have the energy for that today. I woke up feeling very happy this morning and I’d like to continue that way. But it’s also so hard to not battle all these feelings and thoughts. I am sad and angry about everything going on, I’m sure a lot of people are. I’m also still trying to deal with my never ending PMP story. But I am also so happy and grateful about so many other things and I’m trying to direct my day towards that. It is ok to be angry, or sad, or have opinions about this or that. But we also need to take a moment to remind ourselves of what’s good. 

This morning I brought my breakfast and a book out to our terrace. A moment to myself. Start the day on a happy note. During this crazy time – 2020, the year we will remember forever – it is important to take time for self care, however that might look like for you. Go for a walk, watch a feel-good movie, enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the sun, meditate, snuggle a puppy or give your body an energized workout. Whatever helps keep you sane 😀 

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