March 23, 2020
Just like every year when you think that the spring is near, you wake up and…. it’s snowing * Too warm for any snow to stay on the ground, so far at least. Seems like it’s gonna stay cold and wet all week. We are ordered to stay at home so in a way it doesn’t matter much, but I know that Thor won’t enjoy that and I have come to like the long walks I do without T when I talk to my sister. We are “hanging out” almost every day now, she is out walking with Mila sleeping in the stroller and I am walking around the neighborhoods of Stamford.
I know that most people cook every meal at home, but Jim and I don’t, so this whole quarantine thing for the past four weeks has been quite a change for us:) J eats lunch at work every weekday and I cook something small for myself, at night we usually eat some easy snack and then on weekends we mostly eat out. We eat out 2-4 days a week together, and now we eat every meal at home in the company of each other. I have tried to be smart about the food we have at home so we don’t run out on some things and then just sit there with like rice and chia seed to make a meal out of hahah. I have no eggs at home so baking is a bit of a challenge but I try to be creative and google has been of huge help:)
Yesterday I made pizzas for lunch. Super easy. Flour, salt, baking powder, olive oil and water with tomato sauce, cheese and basil for topping. Took maybe 15 minutes in total to make. The pizzas ended up a minute too long in the oven though and was a bit burned, but still tasted fine. The reason for that was that I cut my finger quite deep on the tomato sauce can when cleaning up while pizzas were in the oven and at the same time Thor needed to go out (he drinks a lot more water these days because of his bladder stones) so J had to just run around and try to take care of everything as I was holding my hand over my head trying to get the bleeding to stop. J put some extra cheese on them after he took them out so they wouldn’t be so dry. Super simple and quick lunch, fine for a Sunday.
My finger is fine now. Normally I would probably slap on a bandage and then not care, but since I really don’t wanna go and take up space at hospitals these days, I really wanted to make sure it didn’t need stitches or get infected. I rinsed with alcohol, used some neosporin (that shit is magic) and then put a bandage on while keeping some pressure holding my hand high, and today it looks nice. Still hurts and I feel a bit handicapped – you don’t know how much you use a finger in your daily life until you get hurt. I have realized that the middle finger on my right hand is the number one I use for strength, couldn’t even squeeze the water out of my hair after shower this morning, it’s like the other fingers just forgot how to be fingers and my left hand is completely useless hahah. Typing now is kinda strange as well.
I hope you all are doing ok while staying at home. Weird times now, but we’ll get through it. Happy thoughts, socializing with loved ones or friends over the phone, keeping active and creative is important. Just watching TV all day while snacking and not talking to anyone will make anyone depressed so I hope you take this time as an opportunity to get things done in your home or work on something you didn’t have time for before:)