A birthday filled with food

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I had a wonderful birthday!

Jim and Thor woke up before me and on the first potty walk J took T to the next door diner and got me a coffee and waffles with berries. He wanted me to get breakfast in bed but I had already gotten up (and I don’t like food in bed anyway so I didn’t mind him setting it up on the bar). Aww so sweet. And then he left for work.

I had a long todo list on yesterday, but I had some of the cleaning left, so I spent all morning cleaning and organizing so that we can come home to a nice apartment on Saturday.

I showered, got ready and was picked up by Daniela and her mom. We drove to the shopping center area and had coffees and cookies at a cafe there. We had a nice time together, and she got me a present, the only actual gift I got this year (that’s how it is getting old, no more presents haha). Jim came to pick me up after work and we drove home. My sweet hubby got me this cute pink chocolate fudge birthday cake. I guess that’s a gift;) We shared one slice, I changed clothes and we walked downtown to Siena Restorante. I really had taste for their mushroom pasta with truffle taste. Aah, its amazing!

We were pretty full after that so we walked home and packed our bags. Now I’m in bed ready for our roadtrip tomorrow!

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