April 5, 2019
Hey and Happy Friday! How are you feeling today? The weather here needs to make up it’s mind about if it’s winter or spring. The changes in temperature is making us all sick. I’ve been pretty tired with a runny nose all week. Waking up early with lots of energy all of last week but this week I can barely get out of bed. One day it’s so hot you can’t wear a jacket and the next day it’s freezing cold and extremely windy. Even Thor has got the sniffles. But, at least we are getting closer to spring, that’s something:)
I’ve spent time at the gym working on getting my body back all week, but not been pushing myself as hard as I would like to like I did last week because I don’t wanna end up sick, but I can feel some progress at least so that’s awesome.
On Tuesday I went to my regular blood testing (dr just called two minutes ago. It has barely moved down from last week. In this tempo I probably have several weeks left). Jim negotiated with our building on our renewal of lease – yup, looks like we are staying, and we have to part thank Thor’s cuteness for it (it pays off to have the most popular dog in the building I guess).
On Wednesday afternoon, I went to have lunch with Daniela and then we had ‘fika’ at my place. Her belly is growing and it’s so cute. Yesterday I took Thor for a long walk to the dog park and then spent lots of time at the gym. The exercise bike is my favorite warm-up these days.
Today I feel mushy, can’t breathe and I’m so tired. Maybe need a nap later haha. And then tonight I think our plan after J finish work is to go to the gym and then maybe go out to eat. I am hoping for nice weather this weekend so we can take T for a hike somewhere, but we’ll see. Do you have plans this weekend?
Rewarding myself with coffee after blood test. Daffodils are finally blooming.