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Written November 28, 2018, published in February 2019

We had decided that I would take a test today. Jim got up, got in the shower to get ready for work. He kinda seemed like he had forgot about it. So I asked “Should I take a test today or not?” and he said his usual “Sure”.

I peed right on the stick, put it on top of the toilet and walked into the kitchen where J and Thor was. We put a timer on the phone. 3 minutes.

We walked into the bathroom. TWO LINES! I picked up the instruction paper to try to read if two lines meant pregnant or not. I was so nervous and excited that I didn’t realize that it actually said right on the test next to the two lines that one meant not pregnant and two means pregnant. 

Aaahhh!! We are having a baby! With a quick calculation on first day of last menstruation it seems like our due date is August 5th. Hahaha, what if it’s two days later, then my sister would become an aunt on her 30th birthday, how cool would that be:)

Holy moly macaroni! We are pregnant! A little baby Sura. And oh shit, we have a lot of work to do now. I have to find a doctor and a hospital to give birth at. I have looked before and it doesn’t seem like there are any midwives near here and the closest birthing center is like 48 minutes away which means over an hour away if you include the terrible Stamford traffic lights, that won’t work. I have to do some research today. I will be 8 weeks around the holidays so the quicker I can call and book an appointment the better. And then we have to figure out where to move and build a house. Time is running out. But I feel unusually calm. Until yesterday I have been quite stressed about everything, but right now I feel extremely calm. What’s up with that?:)

Hihih, I have a tiny human in my belly that is half of me and half of Jim ♥

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