Election in Sweden 2018

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It’s been a pretty soft weekend. Yesterday we went on a little 4 mile hike with Thor in the Mianus River Park. We walked a different way than we usually do which was pretty nice. It has been a bit colder temperatures this weekend which is good for Thor when it comes to long walks. 
Today, I have been helping out to feed the neighbors cat, we went for brunch at the diner next door and then I went to the gym before the Election in Sweden started. 

I sent my vote, with two witness signatures from hubby and his father, by mail last Monday. I was worried it wouldn’t get there on time, but then I found out that the votes from us in other countries are not counted until the 12th. Votes by mail from abroad can come in as late as tomorrow, even though the election was today. Weird and I don’t really understand why, but that probably guarantees that my vote will get there on time. We started streaming the election on Jim’s computer connected to the TV by 2pm (Swedish time 8pm, when the voting stopped). Five hours later, I’m still confused and there’s no real results. Now they are actually waiting for my vote (and all the votes from other countries) to come in and then it could be two weeks or maybe more before we know what’s going to happen the next four years. 

I don’t like to write about politics here, so…I’m done..
I just hope that everyone who could vote, did! 

And now we went from the Swedish election to beers and the Chicago Bears first game. And tomorrow, my sister and her guy is here!! 

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