And we are back in business

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Hi and welcome back to my website

I am sorry for the past week. We (= Jim) started the transfer of my website to a new host last Wednesday. They said it would take two days. I thought that during this time my website would still be up so I wrote a little message to you guys. But it took a little longer and the website went down completely. And apparently they don’t work on weekends and this was a three day weekend. So, it’s been down til last night. Very sorry for that. 

We had an awesome weekend though. Jim’s dad was here from Thursday til Sunday (it was J’s birthday the 28th). Very relaxed weekend watching sports, eating good food and hung out together. Thor really loves him and slept upstairs with him all three nights:)
On Monday we drove to the beach in the morning. Low tide, so you had to walk and walk and still had the water up til the knees, so no swim in the ocean really, but it was 30 degrees and sunny, yay. We had a nice morning. And then I skyped with my sister for a while. She’s coming here on Monday!! Went to the gym, I sent my vote to the Swedish election (I hope it will get there in time), sat on the terrace and then watched a movie.

My video from our camping trip was ready to be published last Wednesday, but since I like to post it here on the blog at the same time I upload it to YouTube, I thought I could wait. So, it will be up later today 🙂 

Hahah. I stayed longer at the gym and J took T out. He saw me and wanted to join:)
It’s important to vote if you can!
It didn’t matter to me what to vote for, as long as votes come in.  I’m against the SD party
and if I can vote for something other than them or have a blank vote, then that is more important!
I hope I can watch the election on Sunday, Sept 9

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