Rain, anniversary and walk along the water

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Good Morning Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a new week!
For some reason, the weather Gods think it’s fun to give us rain every weekend this summer. We have a few outdoor things on our summer list, but we can’t plan for them because we keep getting thunderstorms. We are postponing a few things and soon the summer is over. But, oh well. We have had an awesome summer so far anyway:)

So, on Friday we basically did nothing after J came home from work.
On Saturday it was, as you can see in the last post, our 5 year anniversary. It feels way longer than that, but at the same time it feels like recently. Still waking up next to Jim with a big smile on my face. He makes me so happy ♥
We had no plans for the day, so we decided to drive and check out White Plains. Jim’s office was on the way there so we stopped there first and he showed me around (I haven’t been there before). It kinda reminded me of my University in Stockholm. Surrounded by nature and a little bit of art inside. 
Went for lunch at Blockheads and then to check out the mall in White Plains. Very disappointing, but I guess most malls are becoming boring these days because everyone is shopping online. 

We really didn’t do much interesting stuff on Saturday. It rained on and off all day. But as always on August 18, we went to eat Italian for dinner. Went to Remos in downtown Stamford and ordered prosecco and pizza. It was ok, not the best pizza, but we were’t really hungry anyway. 

Sunday started late which was actually nice. After coffee, we drove to Cove Island and walked there with Thor for a bit. Back home, we had lunch and then went to the Athletic Club for an hour. I spent my time in the dance studio. So nice! It started to rain on our way home, of course, so, we just watched baseball and relaxed when we came home.

And that’s about it for the weekend. I wish I had something more fun to share but when the weather is like this, when you don’t know if it’s going to rain or not and internet has no clue, then you can’t really make any plans. Next weekend we are going camping, so it better be sunny then:)

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