Going offline this weekend

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It’s 6am and I’ve been awake for an hour. It looks like it will be a gorgeous day. The sky outside the window is blue and orange right now and it’s supposed to be sunny and nice temperatures all weekend. 

Our weekend didn’t start off the best. Yesterday, Thor kept freaking out because he saw all the stuff we are bringing and we put his travel bag in the car so he thought he was going somewhere. He kept running after me in the apartment barking for attention. When we went out to dinner it was almost impossible to leave him. I wish we could just tell him that he’s coming with us this weekend and we will have lots of fun. 
And when we went to bed, Thor kept waking up by party people running and doing stuff in the hallway. And then one of our shower shelves fell down by itself in the bathroom and he freaked out. Jim and I were both also tossing and turning for whatever reason, maybe because it will be a full moon this weekend. So, I don’t feel like I got a lot of sleep, but, I can sleep in the car:) J is still sleeping, not gonna wake him up until closer to 7 when we plan to leave. 

I’m very excited about this weekend and have been for awhile (we booked this trip a few months ago). On this trip, one of the rules are that we have to turn off/put our phones in airplane mode for the whole weekend. No music even except for maybe in the car there and back. I’m bringing cameras of course, that’s a hobby of mine, but I have rules there too:) This weekend is about going offline, relax and enjoy the nature. There is hiking trails as well, but I think you have to drive a little bit, so we’ll see if we actually do that or just stay at our spot to enjoy the company of each other. 

I wish you a wonderful weekend! I’ll be back on Monday. 

Here’s a video I posted on instagram (@fannysura) yesterday to start the weekend:

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