First weekend in August 2018

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Good Morning! Did you have a good weekend? Ours was really relaxed. We went out to a bar nearby with some friends on Friday night which was awesome of course. Saturday morning started with a visit to the vet. Thor had his normal check-up. He got three shots, another shot right in his mouth and they took a blood test. Little baby was so scared. He screamed when they took the blood, but he did so well. That many shots for such little guy is a lot to take. But it’s necessary. Rabies shot is only taken every three years, so at least it’s not too often.
The weather was boring all Saturday morning so we didn’t do much, but it turned out to be a really nice day in the afternoon, so we brought Thor to a bar nearby and sat there for a few hours. Sunday was hot hot hot and sunny. We basically stayed outside all day. T was kinda groggy from all shots so we stayed with him all weekend. It’s so nice to have our own outdoor space. And when we need a break from all the sweat, we can just go inside and enjoy the air condition:) 

But holy cow we had a sweaty night. This morning, we woke up to two giant puddles in bed. So gross! I rarely sweat, but even I had been swimming in my sleep. The air condition was set on 71 degrees, but it must have not come on often enough or something, because we were dying. So I’m doing laundry now, I flipped the mattress and I have hand washed our pillows. We have the kind of washing machine that opens from above and has a twist thing in the middle, so not recommended to wash pillows. Hand wash them wasn’t easy, but I somehow got it done. Now they just take forever to dry. 

Ok, time to take buttface out for a walk and then I’m gonna sit for a few minutes in the sun before I take on all the other housewife duties of the day:) 

Dinner at Bedford Hall on Friday. I love their brussels sprouts!
Thor was so sweaty in my lap at the outdoor seating, he left paw prints:) The only activity we did on Sunday was going for a swim at the Athletic Club

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