Bear with me

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Good Evening! I’m getting really excited about our camping trip coming up this weekend. It will be nice to go away and be right in nature. But I’m also slightly terrified! Today I feel a bit calmer, but yesterday I was freaking out a little. I started to read what to do if you would meet a bear, because there are plenty of bears around here so it’s good to at least have a clue of what to do and not to do. 

Black bears will not typically not do anything. Grizzly bears, maybe…? But I read that it’s bigger chance of being in a car accident or get struck by lightning than getting attacked by a bear. 

BUT, we have a barking fluff monster. Jim and I can read and figure out how to stay safe in a situation of meeting a bear. But Thor, he would just bark – which can at best scare the bears away…or – and trigger the bear to think we are a threat. Aaah! 

I’m overreacting of course. There is a village somewhat nearby and unless the bears have learned there is food around, they won’t come. But, I’m still a little freaked out. We don’t have bears in our forests in southern Sweden, so I have never really thought about anything around bears. I basically only knew that you can play dead, but there are a few other steps before that. I’m glad I have read a bit more about it now. Still not sure how to handle the situation if Thor starts to bark. Time will tell (hopefully it will never tell!!)

Tomorrow I’m going to pack everything. I have a list of things to bring and most of it is actually just sitting on the kitchen counter waiting to be packed up. Flashlight, mosquito spray, mosquito spray for Thor, repellent candles, blankets, snacks and food, coffee, camping fire blanket, garbage bags etc. and water is already in the car. This will be an awesome trip! 

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