A day on Manhattan with an old friend

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I had such wonderful day on Tuesday. I came in to Manhattan around 2pm, took the subway down to Fulton St and walked over to Ground Zero. And there stood Monika, my friend from Czech Republic that I haven’t seen in 6.5 years. Wiihee, what a long hug we gave each other ♡

We walked over to Brookfield, bought coffee and walked down to my old neighborhood (Battery Park). After a little stroll there, we took the subway up to 59th and walked over to Central Park. We spent a few hours in CP, catching up all the years we have been apart.

Oh, I have really missed her. Both of us felt that it hasn’t been that long since we last saw each other. It’s a very safe friendship. I know she will be there and I will be there for her as well. For those of you who doesn’t know, Monika was my roommate when we lived in Portugal and she also lived in NYC for three months in the fall of 2011 plus three months in the spring 2012. We don’t write each other very often, but we also don’t have to:)

Closer to 7pm the sky shifted to dark gray and lightnings where coming all around us. I freaked out and started to walk faster and close to buildings to get to Grand Central. Apparently it had been a rain storm everywhere else except where we had been walking, weird. My train back to Connecticut was leaving at 8:01, so we said “see ya later” on GC. We don’t like to say goodbye, cause we know we will cross paths again, so it feels like a see ya later every time we go apart. 

So nice to see her! She’s always so full of life and sees things with excited eyes just like I do ♥

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