50 hours offline

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We had a fantastic weekend away! After I had uploaded my post here on Saturday morning, I put my phone on airplane mode. We loaded the car with all our stuff and off we went. We spent the weekend in Hobart, New York, on a secluded location with beautiful view. Camping, eating hot dogs and s’mores, moments of meditation, goofing around on the grass and most of all, doing nothing. We just sat there, doing nothing. Talked to each other sometimes. And then some more nothing. 

We came back home around 1pm yesterday, but I decided that I wanted to keep my phone off/on airplane mode. We went out to eat, watched tv at night and I didn’t turn my phone or computer on until 9am this morning. 50 hours offline. I used my phone for pictures, but nothing else.
Fifty hours isn’t very long, but I think it’s important to turn the phone off from time to time. When J and I go on vacation, like Kauai, St Lucia, Cayman Island or even when I go home to Sweden sometimes, I don’t use my phone for other than take photos. Sometimes there’s no service anyway. We don’t have to check instagram every 10 minutes or message with people on facebook every day. The world doesn’t end if you skip a day or two, or even ten. I would highly recommend to go offline from time to time.

It was very nice to go away for a weekend, and very good to bring Thor to experience this for the first time too. I will write more detailed about our trip later this week. Now I’m going to shut off my phone again for the night:) 

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