Trying something new on my birthday

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Good Morning everyone! Today is MY BIRTHDAY! (yes, even when you have passed 30 you can get really excited about your birthday). 

I’m on my way to the train station to take the train into Manhattan (I scheduled this post for you). At 10:30 am I’m signed up on an outdoor Flying Trapeze class!!! Omg, I am so excited and nervous! I wanted to try something new on my birthday. Jim is at work so I knew that I had to pick something for myself, and I have been wanting to do this since I saw the episode of when Carrie in Sex and the City is trying it. I don’t really know anything about this, I haven’t really looked into it, I just signed up and now I’m hoping for a fun experience. 

When I turned 30, we hiked up the jungle in DR and went down 12 waterfalls. No big deal really but the last jump was a bit more scarier actually and I was the first one to take that jump. Last year, my husband surprised me with taking me to try Indoor Skydiving which was super fun! This year, I’m trying Flying Trapeze. I wonder what I’m gonna do next year 🙂

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