Soccer and Birthday Party

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Yesterday we walked to downtown Stamford to find a place to have brunch and watch the game. We had been to the gym before and ended up leaving home a little late, so every place was packed. But we actually found two seats and was able to kinda see the game. Too bad it was a crappy game though (but hey, Sweden made it this far, they should be proud). We had fun at least. We saw someone with a Swedish jersey at the place, but the whole area was mostly British people or people who were cheering for England (three bars next to each other streaming the game so everyone was at the same place which made it an exciting area). 

In the afternoon, we dropped Thor off with our neighbor and then walked to the train station. Train to Larchmont, NY, and then a 20 minute walk over to Mike’s house. Jim’s boss (Mike) and his twin brother are turning 50 today so they had a 100th Birthday Party yesterday. Very cute setup in their backyard with tables under a big tent. The food was really awesome too, just simple fried bbq stuff. There were plenty of kids there as well and they all ran around having fun and later some of them went kayaking out to the ocean (the water comes in by M’s house). A very relaxed birthday party outside in the sun. Some people J used to work with showed up and we had a really nice evening. 

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