Are you superstitious? I don’t think I really am, but I think it’s fun to think about “what if it was true”. I believe the universe can help you and give you signs (others might call it God or whatever), and in a way some of these superstitious things could maybe be true as well but some are more negative which is less fun to believe in, like if a mirror brakes you will experience bad luck for 7 years, aah, that would suck (I’m good though, cause I kissed a stingray, haha). But if we keep our thoughts more positive we will attract more fun things, right?:)
Anyway. Hi! Another gorgeous day here in Stamford. I wouldn’t mind if it was bit warmer (“only” 82°f today), hahaha, never satisfied. Thor and I are hanging out on the terrace. We are hoping that Jim will come home a little earlier from work today. This umbrella on our table is acting like it’s gonna take off and go on it’s own adventures soon, iihh it kinda scares me. Can an outdoor umbrella bend backwards from a little wind?
We don’t know what our plans are for the weekend yet. Going on bike rides and swim in the ocean maybe, that would be lovely.
I wish you an awesome Friday night and weekend!