Birthday fun; Flying Trapeze

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Hello! I’m currently watching my country play themselves in the World Cup 😀 (Cause Sweden and Switzerland is the same country, right?) 

So, yesterday was insanely fun! I was so nervous before I got there. We were five students so we got to do a bit more (usually they have 10 people). But, it was extremely hot, around 35°c and humid, so we finished a little before the two hours we were signed up for.
We had a short instruction and then went straight to it. I was the third one going up. The first student was a gymnast who had been there last week so she went first to do a different thing than us. Then it was a little girl, maybe 9 years old. And then me. Going up the ladder was probably the scariest part of the whole thing, hahah. So much fun to fly. It took me two rounds to get a real good hang of it, but ones I understood, it all made sense and it was double the fun. I was the first one to get the catching part and I’m actually a bit proud of myself that I managed to do this. I watched my videos this morning that I had taken of my rounds, and I can see the things that needs to be improved:)
It was soooo much fun!! I loved it! A perfect birthday challenge!

After my trapeze class, I walked all sweaty to Tribeca to get a coffee. I looked like I had taken a shower and felt pretty stinky. The only place I could find was FIKA. After charging my phone and cooling off for a little bit, I continued to walk down and over to Battery Park. I put a small blanket out and sat there for about an hour. I went back to Grand Central and managed to run to an earlier train that I had planned. I was back home about 4:30pm, took Thor out and back home again Jim had arrived and laid out a bunch of yummy Swedish treats:) I showered and then we went to have dinner at the Bedford bar. I ordered the burger and omg, that was awesome!

Pretty awesome birthday I have to say:) 

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