35 degrees and boat day

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Sweaty days now. 35°c today and pretty humid. It’s good to know someone with a boat then. When you’re face is melting off it’s nice to just jump into the water. 
Jim’s boss has a boat and his family is away for a week so he asked us if we wanted to go out with his boat. We drove a bit up with the boat to Connecticut (he lives and has his boat in Larchmont, NY). And then we stopped to swim and relax. Lovely! I would never consider owning a boat of my own, but I do love to go out in the ocean, be surrounded by water. On the way back I sat in the front. So fast and bumpy. I had to really hold on. So much fun!
Anyway. We were out for a few hours and then we had to head back home to Thor. We were so tired after that. The sun really wears you out:) I’m doing laundry now and at the same time doing some stuff on my computer while eating “ballerina” cookies. Jim started to give me Swedish treats on Friday. I have got a kex chocolate, a bag with a licorice mix candy bag and I also accidentally found Kalles Kaviar (caviar) in the fridge on Thursday. Mmm, a real good b-day weekend:)
And tomorrow is my birthday!! 

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