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I have nothing other than pictures of Thor to show you (my phone is full, he is too damn cute!),
so here’s my breakfast. Same today as yesterday:)

Hello! Hope you are having a great day! It was raining this morning but now it’s sunny and warm, yay!

Went to the orthodontics this morning. A very different experience. When you come in to the place it looks very new and like a normal dental place. I first had to go in to a room where this young orthodontist guy took a look at my teeth. Then they asked me to go to the main room with several chairs (weird). I sat down, a woman glued my retainer back in place (no paper bib that you always get at a dentist, just the orange glasses, and they did everything standing up next to my chair). When she was done she walked over to the chair next to me that now had a teenage guy in it, and his girlfriend sat on a chair next to my feet. The orthodontist guy came back and fixed the last bit and then I was done. 
I have never experienced that you can be in the same room as others in that way before. My last dentist appointment in Sweden had two chairs with all the equipment stuff around it in the same room but they were further apart and you could not really see each other. Here it was just chairs lined up, no equipment like the lamp, suction wires etc. you know, just a small table with a few things on it. Strange isn’t it? And this was an orthodontic that my dentist recommended. 
Whatever. I got it done. This is like the 8th time or something I had the same thing fixed. I’ve spent so much money on this crap over the years. And everyone is always surprised about that I had braces in such young age, that they hadn’t removed my wisdom teeth in Sweden and the placement of my retainers is upside down. Wtf? But it is what it is. And apparently I can’t remove it cause then my teeth might move. Oh well.. 

Today I also book myself something really exciting and nerve-wracking for my birthday on Monday. AAAHH! Our neighbor has agreed to watch Thor, so I will spend the whole day in the NYC I think. I have already paid so I have to go do this now, iiihh it will be fun!:)

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