when the rain falls

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Good Evening! What a day. When I had got out of bed, I felt something in my “better” knee and suddenly I couldn’t put full weight on it. Kinda annoying, but it usually goes away when I start to move around and going about my day. After breakfast and doing stuff on my computer in the morning, I noticed that Thor was acting a bit strange. Was he just tired, had a cold or was he sick again like two weeks ago? Sometimes he gets extra tired when the weather is shit, like it was today (been raining nonstop). Who knows. He’s been sleeping all day and didn’t want lunch or dinner, not even water. If he’s not eating by tomorrow then we have to take him to the vet. I stayed with him all day. Instead of going to the gym or athletic club, I stayed at home and did yoga in our living room. Felt amazing and my knees felt much better after.
This afternoon I was supposed to do a new moon meditation with my neighbor, but she texted me and cancelled a few hours before. I was ok with that, I wanted to be with T anyway at least til Jim would come home from work.
At 5:30 I got a text from J that he was leaving his office. 30 minutes later, he called me (which he never ever does so I knew something was up). He had been in a minor car accident. He sounded like himself so I wasn’t worried that he had got hurt, but our car looks like shit. Some woman didn’t hit the breaks in time in an intersection and just ran into Jim. So, have to deal with that tomorrow. He’s ok, that’s all that matters♥ I can’t even imagine if something would happen to him. I know he’s careful on the road, it’s the other people I don’t trust.
Not the most fun day of all time. But those days exist as well. Just breathe through it and everything will be alright, always will:)

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