morning has broken

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Good Morning! Had my first cup of coffee on the terrace this morning. Not a single cloud in the sky. Peaceful. Sat there for about a half hour, basically til my cup was empty and Thor was sweaty.
I woke up motivated this morning. Not sure what that motivation actually was but right after my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed, did some stretches and cat-cows to wake up (I have done that lately, it’s a nice start of the day) and then jumped into the shower before hubby and puppy got up. A perfect and positive start of the day gives you a bigger chance of a perfect and positive day all together.

Last night we had some crazy lightning and thunder going on. It always freaks me out, but it amazes me at the same time. Couldn’t help myself but to film it. It has nothing to do with today’s post, but I thought it was pretty cool to share:)

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