dusty floors

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I decided to sign up for the Athletic club that I have mentioned before. Jim and I walked over there yesterday to go swimming, but we came sometime closer to 11 and by then it was pretty packed with both adults and kids, so we decided to do other stuff. J was at the gym most of the time and I spent the majority of the time in the dance studio. The floors were kinda dusty (next time I will ask for a broom), so I had to do a lot of sweeping movements to clear the floor and I looked like a fuzzball in the end:) Very nice to be playing around in a dance studio again though. I have truly missed it. 
There’s a new bar/restaurant with fireplaces, couches and cute lights that just opened up, so we went to try the food there. Wow, the plates were big and the food was amazing! I think we will be going back:)
We went to see the new Avengers movie yesterday too. I haven’t seen all of them prior to this so I didn’t know of some of the characters, I guess I have to watch them all some time. The movie was better than I had expected, but a little to much crying. It almost felt like a chick flick. 

Today we haven’t done much. J bought shoes, I found new coasters and now I’m doing laundry and J is playing games on his pc. Not very exciting, but the weather this weekend is pretty boring too, cold and rainy. Oh well. 

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