a warm day in NYC

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Yesterday around 11 am, we took the train into New York City. We got off at 125th Street this time and took the subway down to 86. Bought bagels and coffee and walked to Central Park. So. Much. People! Finally warm weather and every single person was outside. But we expected that. After our little picnic, we had a nice stroll in the park, walked back to East Side and took the blue subway down to W4th in West Village. Hung out in a bar, walked around, went to a few stores and soon we decided to walk to Tribeca and eat at Wolfgangs, one of our favorite places when we lived in the city. We were the only ones there which was really nice. We were back at Grand Central before 6 pm to take the train back home. Thor had been with our neighbors until 5, so it was a good time to come. We had an awesome day in the city! 

Video from our day will come up on my YouTube channel on Wednesday!:) 

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