I haven’t forgotten about you

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Hello! It’s been quiet here, I know. The thing is, I don’t know how I want this blog to continue. I want to keep it for sure, it’s my little baby in a way, but I’m taking some time to decide how I want to proceed with it. I want all my channels (blog, instagram, youtube, twitter) to connect and present more of who I am and what I do. Makes sense right?
I love this blog to be a positive space, a happy place to share this and that; Dance, teaching, my daily life, my travels, art, my thoughts and also other things that can help you, tips for you regarding training and dance and ya, you name it. I actually do know a thing or two:) 

But also…

Over the years, I have written a bunch of posts that never went live, they just stay as drafts. The reason is that I write about something that I care about or have opinions and feelings that I know could possibly create a buzz. I don’t like conflicts and through internet there’s a good chance that people interpret it wrong or starts argue when there’s no need for it (this is why I don’t like facebook and I rarely log in, cause everything there is fake). I don’t say that what I’ve written in the past and not posted would create people being either happy or upset or feeling this or thinking that, not at all, sometimes I just write little stories or deeper thoughts that noone else would care about – aka not worth sharing. But I also avoid posting some of what I’ve written for reasons like I don’t want to be in an argument or having to defend what I believe.
For example, I don’t write about politics cause I don’t know enough and I honestly don’t know where I stand (I can change my mind even in my own sentence) and I don’t write about religion because that is one of the biggest reasons we have war in the world (although, religion has been a huge curiosity of mine since I was a little girl, I even wanted to become a religion teacher if I couldn’t be a dance teacher (in Sweden we have religion classes), so I would actually love to write about it). I love to express myself with dance and writing, so I sometimes create dances in my own living room acting out what I feel or I write a blog post that noone will ever read, just to get it out of my head.

Lately I’ve been kinda tired of being in the quiet. Of course mostly about the dance, art, yoga and fitness world. Certain things makes me so angry, and anger is not a good place to write from. And then other things makes me happy or makes me realize why I’ve loved or been passionate about something, but maybe it needs to improve. So if I do want to write it out and post it or make a video talking about something then I need to be clear with myself what I really mean.

Even this post, I’m not sure I want to make it public. First, I don’t know if you want to read it and if you even care. Second, if I don’t follow up, then what’s the point of my post. See, there’s conflicts inside my own head. And I’m sure this post was a bit blurry and maybe nothing makes sense, but whatever.

The thing is, I’m not perfect, I don’t know it all (fyi, noone does) so I have been playing it safe for that reason. But, you don’t get anywhere in life if you play it safe. 

So, I’ve been taking some time, having serious talks with myself and getting clear on who I am, what I stand for and what I want to share.

Keep checking in here, there will be updates coming:)

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