Family car sticker

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I had no idea what to give my husband for Christmas. He is probably the hardest person to give presents to. I always just end up creating something on my own, because he doesn’t need anything. For his one year work anniversary (that he didn’t even know or care about, but I did), I created a flower bouquet out of blue gift paper and blue straws to put in a blue vase. In America they love to sell cards for any occasion and for some reason they think it’s a good idea to write long poems or other shitty crap on them which I think is impersonal and boring. I try to buy blank cards, but usually I’m better off by creating something on my own. Ya, I’m kinda like a child, hahaha, making my own drawings and stuff. My husbands desk at home looks like he has a five year old daughter:)

A lot of cars here have the family stickers. I looked on their website and it all sucked. I created a Thor cartoon kinda right after we got Thor and I thought it would be more fun to have our own design for a family sticker. So, I drew stick figures, custom ordered online and stickers showed up right after New Years. This weekend we got a car wash so we could put the stickers on my husbands car. I love it! It’s nerdy but fun. Noone else has a family sticker that looks like that. Kinda looks like I’m peeing on Thor though, hahahahha. 

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