Stamford Thanksgiving Parade

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Hello readers! How are you? Did you have an awesome weekend?

Our weekend was full of a little bit of everything. On Friday night we went to see the new Thor movie. I’ve only seen the first one and that sucked, but this one was actually good. Our Saturday started with brunch at the Darien Diner and then shopping at Walmart. Our mission was to find a Christmas tree. Walmart didn’t have any good ones but next door at Home Depot we found one that we liked. Neither Jim or I want a real tree cause they are messy, smelly and I prefer to pay for a tree once and reuse it rather than buy a new one every year. I can’t wait til we can put our Christmas stuff up after Thanksgiving. The rest of our Saturday wasn’t too exciting. I cleaned out our storage and made space for the new tree. I think November is a perfect time to declutter your home. 

On Sunday, we took Thor for a walk to downtown Stamford to watch the Thanksgiving Parade. T always gets too excited and nervous around a lot of people (over stimulation) and barks your ears off but Jim insist on bringing him with. I didn’t get to see or enjoy the first half of the parade cause I had to calm T down. Eventually I just gave the leash to J and ignored T. My ears had got enough. By this time it had got emptied out in the crowds too cause the wind was so strong and cold and kids needed to go home. We were a little disappointed in the balloons. Maybe it was because of the wind that caused a lot of the balloons to face down. Not really exciting at all, but at least I got to experience it for the first time (cause I would never go to the Macy’s one on Manhattan). We went for a late lunch (without Thor), bought a star for the x-mas tree top at Target and then we just hung out at home. 

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