Our Thanksgiving 2017

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Rizzo, J’s moms new puppy. Super cute little guy

Our trip to Chicago for the Thanksgiving weekend was very short. But we had a great time. The food on Thanksgiving Day was actually fantastic. We had a great time with J’s stepdads side of the family. Half of the people that was supposed to come didn’t make it but we were still a lot of people at the house.
We spent most of Friday at J’s grandparents house. Relaxed and nice. We were watching football, ate yummy food and had a good time together. In the evening we went to see our friends, Bob and Sarah. They had a fun game that we played and we laughed a lot. 
On Saturday, we had to drive to the airport around noon and at 6pm we were back in Stamford (the flight was slightly delayed). Thor was with our other neighbor who had picked him up from the first sitter, so he seemed to have had an awesome Thanksgiving weekend as well. 

Overall, this years celebration was very relaxed, we had a great time and we got to spend time with a bunch of people. Sometimes Thanksgivings or Christmas’s can seem rushed and messy, but even if this was one of the shortest trips we’ve done, it felt like we got enough time with everyone. 

J just got home from a work dinner and I’m waiting to watch the VS Fashion Show. It starts at 10 and I’m already super tired, so it’s gonna be a long night, hahah. 

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