My first Trick or Treat, and nobody came:(

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I have lived in America for almost 7 years and never experienced Trick or Treat. In our old neighborhood there was lots of kids (we also lived next to a school) and every year they had a list you could sign up on and kids would follow a map to find the doors for Trick or Treat. We never signed up, we either weren’t home or didn’t have time. This year we decided we wanted to be a part of it. We bought candy and grabbed a paper downstairs to hang on the door. We don’t have any Halloween decorations really so I printed out some things to put on the door and then placed our pumpkins and scull candle holders outside the door. Thor had his monster costume on, Jim put his wizard Mickey hat on and I had my Minnie ears and painted a mouse nose.

When it was 6pm, I was so excited! There aren’t really any kids living in this building, there are like 3-5 kids, but I was hoping to at least have one child coming. Nobody came:( So disappointed. I was all worked up about it, and then nothing. We saw several apartments who had pumpkin buckets with candy out in the hallway, and that’s what we ended up doing too after waiting for two hours. 

So now we have a lot of candy at home. It’s gonna be hard to stay away from it. Self-control…no, I don’t have much of that when it comes to candy, haha.

Speaking of our old neighborhood (Battery Park City), it’s horrible what happened yesterday. Thor and I walked there all the time. I’m glad we don’t live there now. My friend told me she had been there 10 minutes before it happened, I’m happy she’s ok. My thoughts goes out to everyone there♥

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