Stormy night

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My plans for yesterday did not happen and it didn’t bother me at all. The reason was that Emma, Cristian and Levy came for a last minute surprise visit. They were passing Stamford and wanted to say hi. I much rather spend time with them than cleaning the apartment, doing laundry and edit photos on my laptop:) It was so nice to see them. I haven’t seen Levy since the beginning of the year right before his 2nd birthday, he’s getting so big now. 

After they left we were pretty tired. I watched a documentary, we cooked dinner and then watch Shameless together before we went to bed. We thought that maybe that hurricane wasn’t coming after all, cause it hadn’t been that bad during the day. But when we went to bed the wind got really strong. We had covered and prepared the things on the terrace the day before, but I was still a little worried, cause I have seen the wind move stuff around there before (we are on the top floor on the corner of the building and the wind can get pretty strong there), but we went to bed anyway hoping for the best. After my third nervous run up the stairs to check on the terrace, I finally screamed at Jim that we needed to do something. The cover of the furniture had disappeared and everything had moved from it’s place. We ran to put jackets and shoes on and then moved everything in to the corner of the terrace and moved the heavy storage box of our other terrace things in front of it while trying not to blow away ourselves. In order to relax and finally fall asleep, I listened to a sleep meditation podcast and managed to sleep all night. J found the cover on the parking lot this morning, so that’s good and the furniture has not moved. 

Another thing I noticed last night is that the carpet by the terrace door, is completely soaked. We had a problem with rain coming in when we moved in, cause the door wasn’t lined up and we had it fixed. But now it’s not really coming from the door, it’s more from underneath which sucks big time. We have reported it and hopefully they can come and fix it. We rent, so it’s not really our problem, but still sucks to have this puddle upstairs. So I’m staying home most of today and hopefully they’ll show up. 

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