Storm King Art Center

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It’s about an hour drive from our apartment in Stamford to the southeast part of Cornwall, NY, by Hudson River and Storm King Art Center. We drove on the highway there and the more scenic roads home. When we came there, 20 minutes after they had opened, one parking lot was already full they said but it’s a big park so we didn’t notice it too much to begin with. 

When we had parked, we walked to the museum building. They had some art, photographs and a gift shop inside but nothing special. And then our hike around the park began. There are sculptures far apart from each other so you kinda have to decide if you want to really see it or continue more on a “path”. On their website they say that you should dedicate about two hours to see it properly, and we spent about that time there and I think we got to see a good portion of the art.

After about half of our walk around the park, it had started to fill up with people. Large groups of people had set up picnic, some biked around, some took the little tram, lots of families brought their babies in strollers and so on. Even if it’s a big park, it somehow eventually felt crowded. I’m so happy we came early. When we drove out from the park, there was a long line all the way out on the highway to get in. Those people probably had to wait at least an hour, maybe even two to get in. It’s not worth that. 

It was a cute park and I’m glad we went there. It was an absolute perfect day too. A little cold in the morning and then sunny and super sweaty weather. Neither J or I really enjoy that kind of art though. Art pieces that you can create in kinder garden isn’t really my cup of tea, but others enjoy it and I guess since they are in that huge scale it can be kinda cool. Storm King park is bigger than just the art center and we would love to go there to explore and then take Thor with us (you can’t bring your dog to the art center). The art center is closed during the winter, but you can visit the actual park all year around. And it’s a beautiful drive by Hudson River. 

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