Pumpkin carving

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Yesterday my hubby and I carved pumpkins. So much fun! We both decided to carve out more classic Halloween faces. We have a third pumpkin, and that one will be a Thor carving, if I can figure out a good way to do it:)

I wanted to use the whole pumpkin. We roasted seeds the last time and I actually followed my own suggestion from this blog post from 2013. They didn’t turn out the same way, I think I used a bit too much oil, but they taste awesome, almost tastes like popcorn. And then we googled what to do with the pumpkin guts. Lots of suggestions on making face masks or do pumpkin juice, and neither sounds fun. I saved the guts and stored it in the fridge for now cause I don’t want to waste food, but I really don’t know what to do with it. Do you have any suggestions? 

I filmed all of it, so hopefully I can create a video for you guys and if so, it will be up on Wednesday evening. Now it’s time to take little stinky butt out for a walk. Have an awesome day! 

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