making costumes

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Hello! How are you guys? Have you watched my latest youtube video? Thor is just too cute:) If you like to see more videos, please leave a comment here on the blog or head over to youtube and write a comment there. 

I spent a lot of yesterday in a creative mood. Buying Halloween costumes is easy, but boring, cause you might end up looking exactly the same as someone else. I think the whole point of Halloween or any costume party is to create something on your own. It doesn’t matter if it’s the greatest thing ever or if it looks like dog poo, homemade costumes are always more fun. So, this year I decided that all our costumes will be handmade. We are going to a brewery party thing tomorrow and J has come up with something last minute for himself and I am creating something for me. For next weekend and for the actual Halloween day we have other costume ideas. We have one family theme for all three of us and then other more simple and easy ideas. It was so much fun to do the make-up two years ago and I want more make-up challenges for myself this year again. I don’t care too much about clothing, details and makeup is more fun:) 

This week has been very up and down in weather. Extremely cold in the morning and then summer in the afternoon. It’s very pretty outside now though. Colorful trees and parks full of leaves. There’s a park that we want to go to before all the leaves has blown off the trees and hopefully we can drive there tomorrow before the party at night. 

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