New York Stock Exchange

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Yesterday, a picture popped up on facebook’s “on this day”. It was the picture I shared last year after my husband, my parents and I visited the New York Stock Exchange. I searched here on the blog and realized that I hadn’t posted it, but I had created a post (what’s up with that?).
So here’s the post I wrote a year ago about our NYSE experience. Lets start with pictures 🙂

One of the days when my parents where in New York, we got the chance to visit the New York Stock Exchange. Jim found someone through work who arranged for us to go there and get a tour. The guy, who had worked there for many years but now works out in NJ, was really nice and he gave us a history of the building and how the stock exchange has developed over the years. I had already been to the Chicago Board Option Exchange (see my blog post HERE), but there is something extra special to see the NY one since it has been in so many movies and tv-shows. A lot of interesting history here too. It’s actually smaller than you think and the tour was basically just that big room.
This was in the end of the day and on a day when not a lot was going on, so there wasn’t much of action in there, but it made it perfect for us to visit and not be in the way for anyone. In Chicago when I was there, it was the day before Thanksgiving and basically all men was gathered in that little spot (check out my post) to buy and sell stuff. Not much of that action at the NYSE that day:)

My neighbor, who all of a sudden walked by us on the floor, told me the next day that only a few minutes after we had left the building, P-Diddy showed up there. Apparently they have a lot of celebrities who gets invited for tours there too. And, most movies and stuff is actually filmed inside there and it’s the guys who work there who gets to be in the background as extras.
I’m very happy that my husband and I got the chance to bring my parents to something that most people don’t get to experience. I bet that noone they know in Sweden has been inside there, haha. They kept telling us how grateful they are that they got this opportunity. Jim had never been inside there either so this was a new thing for all of us.

En av dagarna nar mina foraldrar var i New York, fick vi chansen att besoka New York Stock Exchange. Jim hittade nagon via hans jobb som kunde ordna sa att vi kunde ga dit och fa en tur. Killen, som hade jobbat dar i manga ar men som nu jobbar ute i NJ, var mycket trevlig och han gav oss historien om byggnaden och hur stock exchange har utvecklats genom aren. Jag hade redan varit pa Chicago Board Option Exchange (se mitt blogginlagg HERE), men det ar nagot extra speciellt att fa se den i NY eftersom det har varit med i sa manga filmer och tv-shower. Mycket av instressant historia ocksa. Det ar faktiskt mindre an man kan tro och turen var egentligen bara det stora rummet.
Det har var mot slutet av dagen och under dag da inte sa mycket hande, sa det var inte sa mycket action dar inne, men det var perfekt for oss att besoka och inte vara ivagen for nagon. I Chicago nar jag var dar, var det dagen innan Thanksgiving och alla man hade I princip samlats inne pa den lilla platsen (kolla in mitt inlagg) for att kopa och salga grejer. Inte mycket av det pa NYSE den dagen:)

Min granne, som helt plotsligt gick forbi oss dar pa golvet, berattade for mig dagen efter att bara nagra minuter efter att vi hade gatt hade P-Diddy dykt upp dar. Tydligen har de mycket kandisar som ocksa blir inbjudna for en tur dar. Och, de flesta filmer och annat ar faktiskt filmat dar inne och det ar killarna som jobbar dar som far vara i bakgrunden som extras.
Jag ar valdigt glad att min man och jag fick chansen att ta med oss mina foraldrar till nagot som de flesta inte far far uppleva. Jag slar vad om att ingen de kanner i Sverige har varit dar inne, haha. De sa om och om igen hur tacksamma de ar over att fa denna mojligheten. Jim hade aldrig heller varit dar inne sa det var nagot nytt for oss alla.

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