New domain name

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Good Morning! It’s a beautiful day today, even if it’s pouring down right now. But those days can be beautiful too, right?:) It all of a sudden got cold here. I was hoping for a few more weeks of really warm summer, we’ll see, it might change again. But the fall usually isn’t so bad. Hot beverages, blankets and candles, colorful trees, pumpkins and fall decorations. It’s the winter I can’t stand, but we actually have a vacation booked for January, so it shouldn’t be too terrible either:)

I should have warned people that my .se would disappear soon and now it’s .com. I had to find a new domain host for this website and some hosts couldn’t sell me .se. So instead of finding another Swedish host, we created a .com. So, this is my new website

My dear husband sat with my website the entire day yesterday and a bit of Friday to make the change happen. I owe him a lot for this, I’m very grateful! I am also lucky to be married to someone who knows stuff about computers, cause even if I actually know a lot, I would not have figure out how to change domain and shit. 

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