Labor Day weekend, Darien Diner, free stuff & nice weather

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Good morning! How was your Labor Day weekend? We had a pretty relaxed one.

Like I mentioned, Jim worked on my blog most of Saturday. He took a break for a few hours and we drove to Walmart in Norwalk and after that we stopped by The Darien Diner. Super cute inside. Old American stuff. The food was great too! I can really recommend this place.

On Sunday, we had an early dinner at a pizza bar and then went to Bed Bath & Beyond. We were looking for a small pitcher to steam milk in on our new espresso machine, but they didn’t really have any. We talked to a sales person in there and she ended up giving me a pitcher from a displayed espresso machine for free. “I won’t get in trouble walking out with this though?” I asked and she answered “No, just hide it. People steal display stuff all the time, and I say it’s ok”. Aum, what? I asked her if she would be in trouble then, but nope, she just told me to pay for the other stuff I had and hide the pitcher when I walked out. Weird, but thank you sales lady:)

Yesterday, Labor Day, we didn’t do much either. It was lovely weather, really warm again, so we enjoyed our day on the terrace. J had a little art project, I was reading and Thor was sleeping in his bed on a chair between us. In the evening, I cooked us a nice salmon and potato dinner and then we watched Shameless and went to bed early. A very “married-couple” kinda weekend, haha. 

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