Waiting for candy

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Good morning! I am sore today. Not sure if it’s from the yoga class that I took last night or if its from vacuuming the apartment, haha. Or maybe it’s from something completely different that I’ve done. Don’t know. But my arms, neck and upper back is pretty sore.

So, yesterday morning I skipped the yoga class I planned on taking because I was going to skype with my sister. I really have the most amazing sister. She drove to the candy store that I like after she finished work and had me on skype inside the store. Hahaha. She didn’t have any headphones so she had to talk to me, show me all the different candy and wait for me to say yes or no when everybody else could hear it. I’ve never been shopping for candy over the phone before, a phone on the other side of the ocean:) A very good reason to skip yoga, right? 😛 (Swedish candy is very important)

Then, I skype’d one last time with my mom (my parents bags are full of thing for me…mostly tasty treats…so she needed to just do a last check with me). After that I dusted all surfaces and vacuumed the whole first floor of the apartment. Maybe doesn’t sound like much, but I needed to use two different vacuums and it was pretty dusty here. Our home is pretty neat but with me and Thor shedding, it needs to be cleaned more often:)

I was exhausted after that and I tried to come up with a bunch of different excuses to not go to an evening class. But then I got an email from the owner (and the teacher for that class) of the studio and I decided in the very last minute to change clothes and run over there to answer her in person ((I have a workshop coming up and I needed to approve the add for it)). Dragging myself to class even if I was tired was a great decision. It was a mixed class which means a little bit more flow and more challenging. I was suddenly in a very good mood and I walked out with lots of energy. My husband even told me to relax after we came home from the grocery store after the class.

Today I have to do laundry, vacuum the upstairs and prepare the guest room for my parents. I am sooo excited to have my parents here for a few days (or maybe I’m excited about all the Swedish candy haha). To be able to show my family new places or go for new adventures is really rewarding to me. I hope we can find some interesting things to do when they are here.

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