Positive Attitude

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“A good day starts with a positive attitude and a great cup of coffee”

Good Morning my friends! How are you today? I woke up happy, took a shower and got dressed. But when I saw the messy kitchen with all the dirty dishes, I got cranky. What should we do when we get in a bad mood for something so small as dishes in the kitchen? Well, I quickly took care of it, took Thor for a nice walk in the sun and then made myself coffee. The day is saved. 

You can’t escape the daily things like cleaning, doing laundry, clean the dishes in the sink, taking the garbage out or fold your clothes, or at least you can’t ignore it for too long. It’s part of life and life happens every minute of your day. But instead of putting so much negative thought into that you have to take care of all these boring things: just do it, just take care of it and soon you’ll be done and you can do all the other more fun stuff. 

Something I need to work on is just my negative mind. I have to practice to see the positive in things. Instead of thinking “damn, I have to take care of all the dishes, it’s so boring, it takes too much time..” etc. I try to instead think “if I do it now, then I have more time for other stuff later”. Cleaning is something I can enjoy, but dishes…not so much. But I make it into games of trying to compete with myself or I sing songs about what I’m doing to make it more fun. When I fold the clean laundry I usually listen to podcasts. If I don’t feel like taking the dog for a walk, I simple see it as an opportunity for a walking meditation. Today, I saw coffee as my reward:)

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