Playland * BIG

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Do you remember the movie BIG from 1988? A kid visits a fortune teller machine, Zoltar Speaks, and wishes to be an adult and the next morning he is big (=Tom Hanks). 

On Saturday last week, we drove to where this is filmed, the Playland Park in Rye, NY. We walked around the amusement park for a little bit to start and then walked out to the beach area where the scene with the Zoltar and Hanks was filmed. The Zoltar machine is actually located inside the park these days and there is an ice cream machine where it was placed in the movie. Of course we all took some pictures there:)

We sat down at a Tiki Bar for a little bit and with all the palm trees around us it felt like we were somewhere completely different than NY. Then we just walked around inside the park for a while, my dad and I got our Zoltar fortunes, we had some snacks, I went on a Dino “ride” that never ended:), we played some games and then we drove home. Zoltar told me to get myself a treat cause I only live once (yolo!), haha, so I bought myself a giant cotton candy. Omg, sooo much sugar, I was hyped for an hour and then I completely crashed..but it was fun, I haven’t had one since I was a kid.

This was a fun little trip. The park isn’t that big and it is made for little kids. Not a place I think we ever gonna visit again, but it was fun to have been there once and we like to visit places from movies:) 

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