Indoor Skydiving

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My birthday was six weeks ago. I told you then that my husband took me on a surprise car trip to iFly Indoor Skydiving in Westchester, NY. Let me tell you, this was super fun! 

We were in the second group of the day so we got to see how it works before it was our turn. It’s very simple. Basically you just have to keep your legs and arms out and not look down. It’s very loud from the wind inside the tube so the instructors have a few hand signals for you, like if you need to relax, keep your head up, bend or straighten your legs. Jim was the first one out there. He was awesome right away. And then my turn. Iiiihh!! So much fun! I felt that she let go of me a few times. It helped to understand that activating your center really works, I have dance to thank for that. We had grandparents with their little grandson going in after us. The kid, who was 5, did so well. 

In the basic package you get to go in twice, two minutes each time, and you get to learn to just basically stay in place and figure out how to do it. As a birthday gift from iFly, I got to go up higher the second time, and Jim paid for doing the same thing. The instructor holds on to the side of you, releases her legs from the base and you both go up and down in this tube. The grandmother didn’t wanna fly a second time and the kid first said no but the instructor convinced him that it’s fun to jump on the base of the tube and when they were in there he eventually said he wanted to fly again. Too cute. Since there was a bit more time left for our group, she asked if anyone wanted to go again. I stood up right away. Of course I wanted to go again! Flying is fun!

To finish our group, our instructor got to show off in the tube. It didn’t seem that hard to be honest. I think both Jim and I could figure out how to do tricks in no time (but the cost for the time in the tube is ridiculous). 

This was so worth it! Really fun! I think our next challenge is the actual skydiving:) 

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