Thor is 3 years old today

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Thor-3-birthday_01 Thor-3-birthday_02Happy Birthday to my sweet little fluffbutt!♥

Three years old, I can’t believe it! It doesn’t feel that long ago since we got him when he was ten weeks old. Thor is a big boy now. He still gives a billion kisses every single day. He loves to meet new people and loves the attention (he knows he’s cute). He’s trying to be a macho alpha dog even when all the other dogs are bigger than him. He weighed 7.2 pounds on his last vet visit on Saturday. He’s a super anxious and nervous dog when it comes to travel and crowded places but still gets excited and wants to be everywhere and meet everyone (as long as we are by his side). He loves to play fetch with squeaky toys. Licking feet and hands is his absolute favorite thing in the world. He’s sometimes schizophrenic:), happy one second and angry the next and then back to happy. He loves nap time, preferably on top of us. It shows that he loves the outside cause he’s calm and quiet when we sit on the terrace or on a bench somewhere. He’s annoying at times but also the most loving dog you can find.
We love our little boy♥

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