Swedish candy and a Swedish movie

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Hello new week! We’ve had a wonderful weekend! The temperature dropped a bit from 33°c degrees to below 20, but it was still really warm in the sun. 

On Saturday morning we went to Costco to buy coffee and meat. We drove to Norwalk to buy some Swedish things at the Scandinavian Butik. I had found it online earlier in the week and they had a lot of stuff on their website, but the store was unfortunately a bit disappointing. Extremely overpriced and not much to choose from. I bought a “salt och blandat” (salty licorice candy mix) and crackers. We drove a different and longer way home to look at giant houses with front yards as big as soccer fields (and these houses are not even the biggest ones around here). In the evening we went to the rooftop to use the grill. My husband was super excited to grill some meat:) We finished our day with watching the Swedish Oscar nominated movie A man called Ove. For me, that was a painful movie to watch until the very end. People in that movie is one reason why I don’t want to move back to Sweden. The end made the whole movie worth watching, but ya, no, I did not like it at first. 

Sunday morning started with my husband coming in to the bedroom with coffee that he and Thor had bought for me. Aww♥ After breakfast, we walked over to a shopping area near us. We were trying to find bike helmets, but they all looked retarded, so we walked home again. We spent a few hours on our terrace. I planted some seeds and replanted a few things that needed new soil. I have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s fun to experiment:) With our sunburned bodies we went to the gym in the afternoon, I organized a few things upstairs and then we had dinner. Pretty slow weekend but we enjoyed it. How was yours?


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