Stamford Yoga

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Last week, a new yoga studio opened here in Stamford. I had found it online and saw that they had a ‘new student’ deal of unlimited classes for a month. My husband and I walked over there on Sunday and I bought my package. I loved the place right when we walked in through the doors.
Yesterday morning I took my first class. I chose the basic class for two reasons. 1) I like to go back to basics in dance and yoga sometimes because you get to really think and focus on what your body is doing and 2) I wanted to take the earliest class possible and it happened to be a basic one. The studio is beautiful and the class was great. It was the founder, Bernadette, who taught the class. She seems like a wonderful person. We met her the day before and her energy and happy spirit is absolutely fantastic. I love to find places like this, where you feel welcome and part of a community. I’m excited to take more classes there. 

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